Tuesday 26 February 2013

How strong are you?

This is a question that everyone in the gym asks each other. More often in the way of: "how much do ya bench?" Now I've seen guys who have been training a year and can bench press over 300 lbs and guys who have been training many years and cannot bench press 300 lbs. While physical strength is an important variable in both bodybuilding and weightlifting, strength is relative to each individual. Someone who is 7 feet tall will have a much larger range of motion in a squat rather than someone who is 5 feet tall. They could move the same weight but that shorter person has to move it for a much shorter distance, this is just simple physics. And while at the gym most people will judge others and themselves by their physical strength, most don't care about someone's mental strength. I've never heard someone ask another person at the gym, "what daily things do you give up to be here busting your body up?" or "how much time away from your family do you sacrifice to be in pursuit of your ideal physique?" THIS IS WHY I HATE THE QUESTION "HOW [PHYSICALLY] STRONG ARE YOU?" 

I've seen many guys who are very strong and have great genetics, when they're at the gym they do great, but outside of the gym they lose the opportunity to reach their full potential. Guys go out partying every weekend, getting hammered, doing drugs, not caring about their nutrition or rest, and have inconsistent gym spurts. They'll quit the gym a few weeks, and come back for a few, and then quit for a few and then they come back etc. It's a never ending cycle. Now some of these guys are physically strong when they're at the gym, but they don't progress nearly as much as someone disciplined, even if the undisciplined one has better genetics. These people are mental weaklings. These people have no sense of discipline, and they'll start something a few weeks and quit because they think it's too hard.

 So what's the difference between them and someone with a very strong mind? the strong minded are the ones who are willing to reach complete exhaustion to reach their goals, every single day. The strong minded people are the ones who have one focus and one goal and do absolutely everything in their power to achieve their dreams. The people who are consistent and have the mind and discipline of a monk are the ones who succeed in what they choose. So remember, it doesn't matter how physically strong you are at this present moment compared to your gym mates, just ask yourself, am I doing everything in my power and have the absolute discipline needed to become the strongest, or biggest, or most muscular person I can become? If your answer to this is yes, I encourage you to continue with your fitness goals and giving it 100% of your mind and body and I will guarantee you, you will surpass the people that are mental weaklings, even if they seem to be more advanced than you now. So continually visualize yourself as having already achieved your goals, because your mind, is much stronger than your body. So ask yourself, what am I doing right now to help realize my goals? 

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